Art/ Tech/ Nature/ Culture Curatorial and Creative Residency
Earth Reflections: Part 1
Earth Series #2
I would like to invite you to do my first activity for the group which will be in two parts. The first part is below the second part will be sent in two weeks' time. The resulting postcards can be posted to me or if that isn’t possible, scanned and put in a Dropbox once the two parts of the activity are completed. I would like this process to remain as anonymous as possible, so that you feel as free to express yourself as possible.
Earth Reflections
When I look out my window at the coastline of Margate where I live, I feel two types of emotions; 1. A sense of fascination and wonder about the creatures who live in the tidal zone and their life experience and 2. anxiety, fear, guilt and remorse about how their lives have and will change as the environment changes. This is just one part of the puzzle of my own feelings about the climate crisis.
I would like to understand your unedited, raw feelings about our world's changing ecosystems.
2 x postcard sized pieces of card, keep one aside for the next part of the activity (any size that can fit in an envelope)
Pens, pencils and/or mark making tools
Activity: Part 1
I invite you to spend some time in an outdoor space. This can be sitting in a garden or in a park, or going for a walk outside or in the landscape. Spend some time looking at and listening to the creatures around you. Find somewhere to sit down and spend 20 minutes thinking about the climate crisis, and how the short term, medium term and longer term future of our planet makes you feel. What would you say, if you could write it down? How would you draw your emotion?
Take your postcard and mark making tools with you. As you sit reflecting on your feelings, I would like to ask you to draw or to write these unedited feelings down on the postcard. Feel free to use any materials that you choose. Be as raw and honest as you can be.
The second part of the activity will be sent to you in two weeks time. If possible, please complete the first activity before then.